

Dr. Annick Lamb is a physical therapist and board-certified orthopedic clinical specialist and has developed a passion for working with pregnant and postpartum women. Dr. Lamb uses telehealth to create a service that makes care more convenient and accessible for women who are unable to attend physical therapy due to the challenges that come during pregnant and postpartum life.

5 Ways to Help the Body Recover After Birthing

The entire journey of motherhood is a miracle; from conception to delivery. Honor the journey by making sure to care for your body after giving birth so that you recover safely. REST During the first week,...

5 Ways to Prepare the Body for Birthing

Giving birth can be a traumatic experience for your body, but there are some things you can do to prepare your body for birthing. CONTINUE TO EXERCISE Unless directed otherwise by your OBGYN or Midwife, exercise...

Safely Incorporate Exercise During Your Pregnancy

Exercise in all stages of life improves heart health, fitness, and longevity. It can also be beneficial in reducing pain, managing depression and anxiety, and improving your focus. During pregnancy it has the added...
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