
Michelle Wing

Michelle Corley Wing is a world-leading certified yoga and mindfulness educator. Since 2005, her fun and science backed It's Yoga Kids® system teaches physical fitness and mental health success skills for children and Warrior training for leaders so you feel healthier and happier. Her work has been featured in Yoga Journal, Today.com and Parenting Magazine. Did you know you can earn extra income and increase impact in your community? I’ll show you how.
How to Have Some Spooky Fun with Kids Yoga

How to Have Some Spooky Fun with Kids Yoga

With shorter days and crisp air, it’s Fall. All month long, we’ll have some Halloween fun! Here’s how we transform our yoga classes for kids into spooky fun at every age.  Come in costume! Be sure...
Kendrick Lamar Is A Yogi

Kendrick Lamar Is A Yogi

What does Kendrick Lamar have to do with yoga? More than you might think. Here's what I observed, front and center, at The Big Steppers Tour in Oakland. My son wanted to attend his first...
How to Make Your Fall Equinox Magical

How to Make Your Fall Equinox Magical

First, what is it? The term “equi-nox,” or equal night, represents one of two days each year when the hours of the night equal the hours of the day. Everywhere in the world, the...
Spanking at School

Spanking at School – Yes or NO?

Is spanking a good idea? For me, this is a HARD NO. Here is the news, science, and yogic perspective on spanking.  The news: The Cassville R-IV School District in western MO gave the ‘OK’ to...
Back To School Vibes

Back to School Vibes

What’s the vibe at your house for back to school? Each child is different, so it could vary from exciting to excruciating. Stepping up to the next level can be exciting for the adventurer...
Yoga Helps You Feel Free

Yoga Helps You Feel Free

Free to be or not to be? That is the question. Can you love who you love? Can you choose whether or not to bring a child into this world? Recent events have me...
The Best Father’s Day Gift Is…

The Best Father’s Day Gift Is…

If the dad in your life suffers from stress (and who doesn’t?), a yoga class could be the best Father’s Day gift you give him. Here are the top 3 reasons fathers do yoga...
Mother's Day

5 Ways to Ace Motherhood

It’s the toughest job in the world. No one would take the job in a blind interview. As I reflect on Mother’s Day, I always think of my mother and grandmother. When I became a...
Protect Your Environment for Earth Day

Protect Your Environment for Earth Day

Earth Day is coming on April 22. Every day is earth day, but I'm glad a special day exists to bring worldwide awareness to protecting the environment. What is the environment? It's any place...
How Inner Peace Contributes to World Peace

Do Yoga – How Inner Peace Contributes to World Peace

Events that threaten war over peace are disturbing. They disturb us personally and collectively. What can we do when that fear is REAL and not imagined?! For me, instead of spinning out with fear, I...
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