I am not a doctor.  I am not a sleep specialist.  I am a mom, and I have been blessed with good sleepers.  I like to think they sleep well because I followed certain recommendations, but I am fully...

Fun to be One

You did it, parents! You made it through the first year of your child's life!  You are surviving on less sleep than you ever thought imaginable, except in college of course. So why does the first birthday bring up...
As parents, we are tasked with making the best and safest decisions for our children and their health. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past decade, you know there are very strong opinions in our...
Month Two… this is such a fun one because baby is likely beginning to focus on you and smile back.  I cried and laughed at the same time when my daughter smiled at me for the first time (not...
As a mommy to be, I knew that a baby was going to introduce a lot of STUFF into my life , but figuring out what stuff I really needed was a challenge!  Baby registry checklists seemed ridiculously long,...
I recently had my first “real” playdate with my son. He is 8 months old and some may say I waited way, WAY too long.  Now two weeks in, with our first few playdates accomplished, I know for sure...


Ok, I know this is controversial.  Some women swear by this book/method and others can’t stand it.  I, personally, love Babywise!  I used this method with my first son, who learned how to eat and sleep happily through the...

Ode to the Sippy Cup

Oh sippy cup, sippy cup, you promised to be,  a leak-proof vessel, completely spill free, But somehow your liquid doesn’t stay put. It bubbles up over and spills on my foot, Or worse, on the cushions, carpet and tile. There goes my hope...

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6 Poses for Mother’s Day Yoga with the Kids

Whether you work outside the home or inside the home, being a mom is priceless. May is for mothers (and mental health). How will...
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