We are living through extraordinary times, in so many ways. The rapid news cycle, filled with unprecedented general craziness on a daily basis, has been fascinating, horrifying, and totally discombobulating. It’s hard to know what’s really going on, what...
Tattling is really confusing for parents. On the one hand, you’re glad that you’re little one has a sense of justice, or at least knows the rules. On the other hand, something inside you knows that at least some...
My sister-in-law and I were recently joking about all the things kids can get away with that adults, well, just can't, like having a big tantrum in public. Then, there are the things kids do that are sweet or...
The first time you hear your child use a curse word goes one of two ways. You're either shocked and horrified to hear such vulgar words coming out your sweet angel's mouth, or you're stifling laughter so hard that...
Until recently, I never had the responsibility of providing snacks for a lot of kids. I've done my fair share of preschool potlucks, but the other parents are always in charge of what actually gets put on their kids'...
Not surprisingly when it comes to the F-word, the whole messy scene happened in the car.    I was driving my then three- and four-year-olds to preschool last fall, and, after numerous, increasingly loud declarations from the back seat that they...
My five-year-old daughter enjoys directing playtime for herself and her three-year-old brother. My son is usually happy to go along with whatever grand scenario she sets up, but they don't always agree on how to play. My daughter does not...
We know that friendships are powerful sources of life and help us build self-confidence. What a gift both of my children have had in building strong bonds with others. Yet, there have been periods of time where they've struggled...
(This post is sponsored by Ted & Kate.) I have never been and never will be a crafty mom who makes things from scratch to capture special moments in my kids' lives. I couldn't even manage to slap those circle numbers...
(This post is sponsored by Ted & Kate.) Why is the end of the school year so busy? Must all school field trips and parties take place within a three week period? And is it me or do kids' birthday...

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