Last week, I posted conversations with a few co-op families about their co-op experiences to give you a full lay of the land about what it means to be involved in a parent-cooperative model.  Now, I want to share...
When it comes to choosing a preschool, there seem to be endless possibilities. Parents living anywhere on the Mid-Peninsula can find preschools that offer all educational philosophies and models. As a parent of a pre-school aged child myself, I...
My three year old is a terrible eater. Besides insisting on a steady diet of empty carbs and milk, he refuses to try new things and barely sits at the table to eat anything at all. After two bites...
Selecting a school for your child is really hard—especially when she’s five years old and you’re not entirely sure what her needs will be tomorrow, let alone in a few years. Often people look to test scores and lists...
I usually try to have helpful advice or insights in the articles I write. I wish I could do that for you here, but I can't because I am just starting the kindergarten admissions process, and I am overwhelmed....
We always hoped our kids would learn a second language, but this has proven difficult. My husband knows Mandarin, and I know some Spanish, and while we had intended to speak to our kids in these languages, we don’t...
If you get a boo-boo while visiting my house, you'll have your pick of adhesive bandages to cover your wound: Disney princesses, Doc McStuffins, Thomas the Train, Paw Patrol. You name it; I've got it because placing a band-aid...
I don't know what it's like in your house, but right before my kids' bedtime, they get a crazy burst of energy. After they've taken a final sip of milk, and the credits are rolling on an episode of...
I know lots of teachers. Many of my friends and a lot of my family call the classroom their second home, so when I wasn't sure what gift to bring my daughter's teachers last year for Teacher Appreciation week, I...
With all the media talk of high-tech hackers infiltrating our homes through baby monitors, microwaves, and other small appliances, I wondered just what those shady characters of the cyber underworld would make of audio recordings coming from my house. And so, I bring...

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