(This post is in partnership with MVCode.) I have a distinct memory of writing a computer code when I was in elementary school. It was probably 1989, I was in second grade, and the computer looked something like this: The program...
If you’re a kid, nothing squashes an afternoon of outdoor fun like poor weather. That doesn’t mean downtime needs to be spent in front of the television, although you might consider encouraging your kids to spend a little time...
Over the course of the past seven-going-on-eight years that one or both of my two daughters have been students at a public K-5 in San Francisco, I’ve chaperoned my fair share of school field trips. Being a chaperone is...
We were ready for my daughter's first day of kindergarten. We had new clothes and shoes, a new backpack, lunchbox, and I'd read and re-read the orientation paperwork from the school. My husband cleared his work calendar so he...
My five-year-old daughter enjoys directing playtime for herself and her three-year-old brother. My son is usually happy to go along with whatever grand scenario she sets up, but they don't always agree on how to play. My daughter does not...
We know that friendships are powerful sources of life and help us build self-confidence. What a gift both of my children have had in building strong bonds with others. Yet, there have been periods of time where they've struggled...
This post is in partnership with Suburban Jungle. I started to freak out about the San Francisco kindergarten admissions process last fall. From the moment we thought about raising kids in the city, we knew that getting them into a good school...
My kids are six and eight. When I remember back to my childhood at that age, I was folding laundry for the family (not just my own), doing dishes on a tri-weekly rotation with my two siblings, dusting the...
(This post is sponsored by Ted & Kate.) I have never been and never will be a crafty mom who makes things from scratch to capture special moments in my kids' lives. I couldn't even manage to slap those circle numbers...
(This post is sponsored by Ted & Kate.) Why is the end of the school year so busy? Must all school field trips and parties take place within a three week period? And is it me or do kids' birthday...

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