Created by Stanford graduates Ruby Lee and Vivian Chen, Juni Learning’s innovative curriculum and mentorships are designed to inspire lifelong learners. Their computer science, math, and English classes are personalized and delivered through thoughtful, 1:1 matching of students with...
This summer, ignite your kids’ curiosity, passion, and a deep appreciation for story sharing, storytelling, and story-making in all its forms at Camp Half-Blood! Basking in the Bay Area sun, campers (a.k.a. Demigods) will embark on their journey toward...
According to the California Homeschool Network, what we associate with today's homeschool model began in the 1960's, however, families have been educating their children at home for hundreds of years. They state that "Homeschooling is an educational option in...
Believe it or not, remote learning is not new. Schools have had to institute remote learning during recovery periods for natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires and also during other traumatic events that affect an entire school...
Editor's Note: We sat down with our favorite pediatrician, Dr. Julia Getzelman from Getzwell Pediatrics, and asked (pestered) her with all of our latest questions on COVID-19, vaccines, in-person schooling, and more. See what she says below!
Has MRNA vaccine technology...
We thought this day would never come, but it’s happening. Ilse’s school is reopening in April, and we couldn’t be more thrilled and relieved. Once again, the “first day” jitters are settling in. This time, the jitters are a...
Editor's Note: This is part 2 of 2 posts. Read part 1 here.
I was a bookworm when I was in grade school and college so I happen to appreciate traditional learning with books. Alas, not all books are created...
Editor's Note: This is part 1 of 2 posts.
There is public school and home school, but home school is not public school at home.
When I started teaching my daughters at home, I had the thought to do things in...
Some of our writers are actively homeschooling their children and some of them have children in public or private schools, but pull from resources to enhance what their children are learning (especially during extended leaves from school, like summer)....
Every time the topic of remote learning comes up, I brace myself. I am never 100% sure what is going to surface. It's either; my kids hate it, they miss their friends, they are depressed, they stay in their...