This post is sponsored, but the opinions are 100% our own. I intended to order cordless blinds for my daughter's room but accidentally ordered the corded kind. My husband's eyes widened when he saw them. As a little boy, a...
As I left my kids’ daycare this morning, I passed by a mom who was hiding in the doorway, listening to her toddler screaming her name over and over, a pained look on her face. I gave her a...
We always hoped our kids would learn a second language, but this has proven difficult. My husband knows Mandarin, and I know some Spanish, and while we had intended to speak to our kids in these languages, we don’t...
If you get a boo-boo while visiting my house, you'll have your pick of adhesive bandages to cover your wound: Disney princesses, Doc McStuffins, Thomas the Train, Paw Patrol. You name it; I've got it because placing a band-aid...
I don't know what it's like in your house, but right before my kids' bedtime, they get a crazy burst of energy. After they've taken a final sip of milk, and the credits are rolling on an episode of...
Some of my earliest childhood memories with my parents and grandparents are of them teaching me basic table manners and social manners. The lessons continued well into my high school years, and, every now and then, when I catch...
We have been lucky beyond our wildest dreams to have two toddlers who, by and large, have been great about going down for a twelve hour stretch at night. Both kids have been sleep trained since around the age of...
"Many parents intuitively understand that ubiquitous glowing screens are having a negative effect on kids. We see the aggressive temper tantrums when the devices are taken away and the wandering attention spans when children are not perpetually stimulated by...
One of my favorite times of year is in the quiet and peace after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. For me, those first few days of the year are filled with optimism, hope and excitement for the...
As infants become toddlers, children begin the process of individuating or separating from their parents.  This process, which starts around 15 months, continues through the teenage years and is critical for a child to eventually develop her own identity,...

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How to Host a Passover Seder with Kids

Hosting dinner parties with little ones can be a lot. From prepping the meal, getting yourself dressed, getting your kid dressed, welcoming guests, and...

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