Rest and Self Care Lab: Part 1 – Finding Your Joy

    Rest and Self Care Lab: Part 1 – Finding Your Joy
    Rest and Self Care Lab: Part 1 – Finding Your Joy
    *This is a series of articles on establishing sustainable rest and self-care routines.
    You can learn about the tools to uncover what is important to you and ways to change your current situation to rest, reset and recharge easily, even amidst everyday chaos. The goal is to share how you can integrate rest and self-care practices into your busy days to allow you to enjoy guilt-free rest and set an example for your children that hustle culture is not the only way to be in this world.

    I have many roles in this life.

    I am a human with interests, passions, goals, and fears.

    I am also a daughter, sister, friend, and colleague, working 9-5. I am a wife (almost eight years!) and a mom to a passionate 3-year-old child.

    I am also a rest and self-care coach who is building a business to transform the lives of others by coaching, guiding, and supporting them to achieve what their heart desires.

    Self-care is not just about manicures/massages or walks to my clients and me. It is about saying yes to yourself, your health, and your energy.

    I can talk about the importance of rest and self-care for days. Today I want to share with you a part of the unique framework which helps moms like us move from guilt, burnout, and inability to ask and accept help to a transformed reality where you have the confidence, support, and tools to rest, recharge and be present in the NOW.

    If you would like your kids to see you as an example that rest is necessary and a self-care routine is a good thing to establish and maintain, read on!

    Finding Your Joy

    Do you remember yourself before the kids or maybe as recently as before the pandemic? What were the things you enjoyed doing, thinking, and feeling?

    I loved reading, traveling, eating out, and so much more. I did not understand the value of the time available to me. But things change. The world changes all the time, and so do we.

    The Now vs. Present

    How often do you think about what you enjoy(ed) doing not as a mom but as a person? Do you do it…never? Or maybe you do an annual “goal setting” (or as I want to call it, “let’s find another reason to beat ourselves up for the failed expectations people have for us” exercise).

    One of my clients (let’s call her Mandy) did this quick exercise – 3-5 minutes of jotting down what you used to enjoy before and what you think you enjoy or wish you could do now. When Mandy turned off the inside voice criticizing the “reality” of her desires and selected joy, she allowed herself to uncover several gems that brought a real smile to her face.

    Your Legacy

    I also encouraged Mandy to take 3-5 minutes to think about how she wants to be remembered by her kids. This helped her disengage from the busy present and dream of being an example to follow.

    Reality Check

    The final exercise that Mandy did was a “reality check.” She compared her list of joys to what her calendar looked like telling her what she was prioritizing. And those joyful moments somehow have not been present recently in her life.

    While these three exercises might seem silly – they can open a door for you to explore how your life is going and what are the stories you are telling yourself and your kids.

    You are not alone in dealing with the overwhelm of being in charge of everything and everyone in your life. And there is hope. It takes work and intention to change your life. I have recently published a blog about my journey that might add additional perspective (see Changing the Quality of Life through Joy, Rest, and Self-care).

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    Anastasiya (a.k.a. Stacey), a native Ukrainian who has called San Francisco her home since 2014, is a strong advocate for women’s rights in business and in play, and loves to promote self-care and me-time. Becoming a mom two years ago allowed her to reevaluate what self-care means and put her on a path towards freedom from the corporate world. Anastasiya is an avid traveler, speaks 5 languages, loves good food, good books and chilling on Ocean Beach after getting a much needed manicure! She has lived in Greece, traveled to 5 continents including Antarctica (the one near South Pole), visited 25 states in the continental US, and was on track to hit 30 countries when COVID hit. She has turned her passion into the profession of Travel Designer, saving clients countless hours and energy spent in front of search engines and transforming the way people think about planning for getaways.


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