Top 3 Ways to Celebrate Spring


    Spring is the season of regrowth when the natural world revives and reinvigorates after a cold winter. New seedlings sprout, dormant plants grow again, and hibernating animals awake. 

    The Spring equinox is when the day and night are almost equal. There are two equinoxes each calendar year, one in the spring and one in the fall. The spring or vernal, equinox occurs on March 20 this year in the Northern Hemisphere. 

    Following the season’s flow, we, too, can spring to new life! Unlike the New Year, when intentions or SMART goals are set in the dead of winter, spring gives us good luck and a spark to make things happen.  

    Here are three ways to celebrate Spring:

    1. Enjoy a nature walk. Look for signs of new life on trees and flowers. My favorites are the daffodils, tulips, and cherry blossoms that burst this time of year when the temperatures rise. 

    2. Seek balance. With the length of the day and night equal, notice areas of your life that need to be equalized. Ensure you have enough work, play, energy, and rest.  

    3. Come to family yoga. Yoga is an excellent way to energize and equalize. Our Spring Equinox event is outdoors at the stunning Palace of Fine Arts. We’ll do a special spring craft after class, and this event supports Hamilton Families

    Enjoy the season! Utilize the natural energy of new life to spring onward and upward toward your dreams. It’s a great time to learn something new, like how to be an IYK® Warrior too!


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