My Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions


    New Year’s Resolutions don’t always have to be so strict; Lose 30 pounds, no TV for a week, no sugar, no alcohol for a month (this would never be my choice, just saying☺), etc. They are supposed to add on to the positive things you have in your life, making sure that you are having fun throughout the year by trying new things and connecting with friends and family!

    Here are my 5 New Year’s Resolutions, a little bit of self-improvement with a lot of reconnecting with myself and family.

    1. Eat a good Breakfast

    I am the WORST at eating breakfast since coffee is usually my go to food/liquid until lunchtime. I try to bring my breakfast and lunch with me to work every day. Lunch is usually leftovers or take out somewhere in town, but breakfast is the one meal that never happens in the craziness of the morning rush.

    Every healthy article says “even a quick breakfast is better than nothing, and eating breakfast powers up your body and your brain and reduces the risk of weight gain.” Having a plan on what I am eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the week would not only be productive for me but my family as well.  There’s always going to be the need for the mad dash to Trader Joe’s after work to grab the microwaveable meal but having a set plan and buying groceries at the beginning of the week with meal ideas ready would be so much easier.  

    I am going to try these three breakfast recipes and rotate them each morning for two weeks, and then pick out some new ones.  They can all be made ahead of time and even frozen.  They also can be given to kiddos in the morning as well!

    1. Spend quality time with my Husband

    I LOVE my husband!  He has become an amazing Dad, and I’m not sure I tell him enough how much I appreciate him and what he does for our little family.  He has been so supportive of my many first year mother mood swings and breakdowns.  He is always there asking “How can I help?” I have put all of my son’s needs first throughout this first year and have even forgotten what brand of deodorant my husband wears because he’s buys it himself now instead of me.

    I’m not saying that I can take care of everything, but I should be a little more aware of how much has changed for the both of us. I need to think about him a little more and not only my son ALL the time.  We need to incorporate more date nights, talks at the dinner table instead of eating on the couch watching TV, and just letting each other know what we need from one another to really succeed as a married couple and parents.  I need to bring back those Marriage Meetings!

    1. Don’t stress about Organic EVERYTHING

    Seriously! I have spent countless online hours trying to figure which food ingredients and toy companies I should ban from my house.  Yes, I do try to buy organic foods, have safe, nontoxic toys and use glass food containers, but sometimes I just need to feed my kid a quick processed food bar, fast food hamburger and french fries, and stick that really cute plastic Camelbak sippy cup in the dishwasher instead of hand-washing it.  I’m sorry I’m not sorry!  

    I need to find a good balance and be ok with the fact that I can’t be that almond milk making, gluten free/dye free, freezer prep meal Mom all the time.  But when I do have the time, I love being able to make healthy muffins and freeze them, smoothies, Pioneer Woman recipes, and whatever new Kristin Cavallari cookbook recipe I can try. (Yes, I used to be obsessed with “Laguna Beach” and “The Hills” TV shows. Don’t judge- she really does have some good info in her book!) This one is a good one – Almond Butter Cookies

    1. Make more time for ME

    I need to work out! Ugh. Let’s just say, I’m still not letting go of all those baby weight pounds. My excuse is always the same, “I don’t have time!” I drop off my son at school and am at work by 7:30am.  On my 1-hour lunch breaks, I grocery shop, run errands, etc. so that at 4:30 when I get off, I can spend time at home and make dinner. Then by 6:00pm when my husband gets home, going to a workout class just seems like the worst idea ever when my couch and a glass of wine is what’s really calling my name!  

    When I do hike with my family, walk with a girlfriend, or take that quarterly exercise class, I do feel more like myself. I have more energy for my family, and I make better food decisions.  So in 2017, I’ll take baby steps and commit to “doing something active” (which sounds less aggressive than working out) at least twice a week! 

    1. ENJOY the Journey!

    I’m serious this time!  So much of my son’s first year I was wishing him to sit up, eat solid food or whatever the next milestone there was to reach.  It took away from just enjoying the moment.  With all of the worrying that consumed me about how to take care of him and be the best mom for him, I spent more time reading about it all than actually practicing what I was preaching to myself.

    This coming year I want to actually print out a couple of those millions of pictures I take of my family that just sit on my phone.  I want to make a commitment to going on a date night with my fun husband once a month.  I want to say “Thank you” when someone gives me a compliment, instead of turning it around and making a joke out of it because I feel uncomfortable. I really am a fun, cool person!   

    I’m going to get excited about these new experiences I have waiting for me and say cheers to myself and my happy, healthy family! What are your 2017 New Year’s Resolution?

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    Ashley and her husband, Steve, were born and raised in San Carlos and are now raising their 8-month old son, Crosby there as well! After attending Sonoma State University, graduating with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Special Education, Ashley started working full time as an Assistant Director and Preschool Teacher at Kindercourt School. Working is even more fun now that she gets to bring Crosby along, since he is in the Infant/Toddler program at Kindercourt. When not teaching Ashley loves weekend getaways, exploring new things to do on weekend with her family and nights out with her husband and girlfriends!



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