What To Do if You Suspect Radon in Your Home


Radon is a colorless and odorless yet dangerous gas that can seep into your home from the ground. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. If you suspect there may be radon in your home, you should take action. There are several testing and mitigation options to consider, and understanding what to do if you suspect radon in your home will help you decide the right steps to take to reduce radon levels.

Consider Your Testing Options

One of the first things you should do if you suspect radon in your home is test for it. There are two main types of radon tests: short-term and long-term tests. Short-term tests take anywhere from two to seven days to complete and are a good way to get a quick snapshot of your home’s radon levels. Long-term tests, on the other hand, take more than 90 days and provide a more accurate average of your home’s radon levels.

You can purchase radon testing kits online or at your local hardware store. If you don’t know how to test for radon or would prefer a professional to handle it, you can also hire a certified radon contractor to perform the test for you. But if you’re unsure whether you should hire a radon-testing professional or do the test yourself, weigh the pros and cons of each option. Hiring a professional will ensure you get the done right the first time. They’ll provide accurate results regarding the level of radon gas in your home.

Consider Your Mitigation Options

If your home tests positive for high radon levels, you should take action immediately. Radon mitigation systems reduce the amount of radon in your home by venting it out. There are several types of radon mitigation systems, including sub-slab depressurization, sump hole suction, and sealant. Consulting a certified radon contractor can help you determine which type of mitigation system will work best for your home and budget. A certified radon contractor will also be able to provide detailed advice on what to do if you suspect radon in your home.

Take Measures To Reduce Radon Levels

In addition to installing a radon mitigation system, you can take other measures to reduce radon levels in your home. Sealing cracks in your foundation or walls can help prevent radon from entering your home. You can also increase ventilation by opening windows or using fans in your bathrooms and kitchen. The more you can purify the air in your home, the less likely it is that radon gas will negatively affect your family.

Follow Up in the Future

Radon levels can fluctuate over time, so it’s important to continue testing your home in the future. The EPA recommends testing your home for radon every two years or more frequently if you’ve made any significant changes to your home’s foundation or ventilation system. If radon has been present in your home in the past, you may also want to test for radon more regularly.

If you suspect radon in your home, don’t panic. By testing for radon, installing a mitigation system, and taking measures to reduce radon levels in your home, you can protect yourself and your family from this gas. Remember to educate yourself and your family about radon and to follow up with future testing to ensure your home remains safe.


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