My husband and I don’t make a big deal out of holidays. We’d rather go out to a nice dinner than exchange gifts, and a lot of times a sweet message in a card is just as good. Every once in a while, though, it’s nice to give gifts, so the kids and I are doing just that for Father’s Day. I’ll have to hold you in suspense on what it is until next week in case he reads this. (Hi, Eric!)
Consultation prize: I can tell you what I got him for his birthday earlier this month, plus some other things from my search history this week (get your mind out of the gutter).
Native Shoes All Around
Do you remember when I bought myself these shoes (in both yellow and pink)? Well, to ease my guilt of making a totally unnecessary (if still justifiable, in my mind) purchase, I bought my hubby two pairs of shoes, too, for his birthday. This pair of mocs in pigeon gray and this pair of street shoes in jiffy black.
Bathing Suits Round 2
I’ve been justifying all of my clothing and shoe purchases because we are taking a family trip to Portugal this summer. Two weeks away requires an entire wardrobe overhaul, right? The bathing suits I ordered last week from Summersalt didn’t work out as I’d hoped. The fabric felt great, but I didn’t love the looks on me, so it’s round two at Nordstrom. Arriving soon: this Heidi Klein halter and two by Becca (I was sucked in by the name!). I love this print and this color. Cross your fingers that one of these fits.
Passport App
On the more practical side of traveling, I’m downloading this mobile passport app which is supposed to speed up the customs process when we re-enter the U.S. Ironically, I actually have Global Entry, but I’ve never gotten a chance to use it. I stopped traveling internationally for work as soon as they cleared me for it. Now, I only travel with kids! With this new app, though, the whole family should be able to go right through customs. Don’t forget to check out our tips for getting your kids’ passports below.
She Crawled, You Guys
You know how putting kids to bed can feel like a chore sometimes (a lot of times)? Exhaustion and patience have an inverse relationship, but I try to think about this heartwrenching story when my frustration level is rising.
In case you missed it, here are the week’s posts from San Francisco Moms Blog and Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog.
San Mateo County Fair
Kelly got to tour the San Mateo County Fair before it opened to the public. Check out our Instagram story for pics and videos and her write up of why this is a must do with the family. It ends this weekend!
Mom Memes & PPD
Shannon gets deeply personal, talking about how she missed the signs of postpartum depression for two years, all because those well-meaning memes about how hard motherhood is made her feel like everyone’s experience was as extreme as hers.
Kids’ Passports
Meredith walks you step-by-step through what you need to get your kids’ passports before you travel internationally.
Father’s Day Mad Libs
Have a little fun with your baby daddy by having him tell you what he wants for Father’s Day, Mad Lib style.
Father’s Day DIY
We’ve pulled together easy ways for your kids to show Dad how much they love him.
It’s Twins!
Alessandra recounts everything she felt after learning she was pregnant with twins and how her hubby had the opposite reaction.
Origami for the Win
I’m always impressed with Amy’s craft projects, but this might be my new favorite. An adorable little button down shirt folded out of paper? Trying it this weekend.
Baby Gear Rentals
It’s nearly impossible to travel light when kids are involved, but Jen discovered that Babierge makes it a whole lot easier.
Lessons from Dad
Kate reflects on what she’s learned from the important men in her life, and the takeaways are things we should all remember.
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