Next week, Kate takes over full time on Friday Faves, since her previous posts have been popular with all of you! Before she does, I’m taking Friday Faves out for a spin to introduce our new, waaaaay more readable layout. Is there something you’d like us to include here? Let us know in the comments.
If you like what I’m sharing today, you can always find my Friday Faves over on Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog. Here’s what caught my eye this week:
Kate Spade
Mental illness does not discriminate, and Kate Spade’s suicide reminds us of that. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-272-8255, and here are tips for helping someone else.
80 Day Obsession
I was about 60 days into Autumn Calabrese’s latest workout program when I came down with a serious case of bronchitis that forced me to stop working out for almost four weeks! I’ve finally picked up where I left off as I countdown to vacation and bathing suit season.
Election Results
Have you been following the local, state, and national election results? The San Francisco Chronicle is tracking the winners.
Light Summer Reads
I put this list of books together last summer and still have seven to go. Can’t decide which one to tackle first.
In case you missed it, here are the week’s posts from San Francisco Moms Blog and Mid-Peninsula Moms Blog.
Your Attainable Summer Checklist for Family Fun on the Peninsula
Andrea shares her ideas for what to do at home and nearby with the kids this summer, including farmers’ markets and summer concert series!
"Last Day of School" Printable Signs
Local mom and stationery designer, Sarah Tarantino, created easy-to-print signs to help you commemorate your children’s last day of school – from preschool or senior year. Plus, free personalized options on her website.
10 Summer Safety Tips
From stings and bites to pool safety, Meredith runs down important reminders including a genius tip for an ID notecard.
The Four Words That Changed My Cell Phone Habit
Lorrie owns up to her cell phone habit and outlines what she’s doing about it.
Summer Is Coming and So Are Your House Guests!
Erika shares three easy ways to make your house guests feel welcome while lowering your stress.
Tips for Visiting San Francisco with Kids
Did you know we have readers from all over the country (and world!). I share my tips for visiting San Francisco with kids. What do you tell visitors when they come to town?
Hey, Electric Scooter Riders, We Need to Talk
Jeanne’s all for electric scooters, but none too pleased with the inconsiderate and unsafe behavior of some riders. Her three wishes of scooter riders:
Cheers to the Sweatpants Dad (and What to Get Him for Father's Day)
The yoga pants-wearing mom has a counterpart: Sweatpants Dad. This is a guy who probably never would have been caught dead in sweatpants in public before kids. Jenn found six cool new pairs to get him for Father’s Day.
PJ Masks Live Recap
Amy took her kids to see the PJ Masks LIVE! Time to Be a Hero Show over in Oakland and tells us all about it.
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