I love that these women are fighting the gray hair double standard.
The upcoming Google conference is offering attendees pronoun stickers to add to their nametags. Score one for transgender awareness.
The “This Is America” video is blowing up my newsfeed, and I can’t stop watching it. Have you seen it? (Warning: there’s violence in the video)
This is one of my all-time favorite books (and an easy read). I still think about it long after it ended.
In case you missed it. . .
I confessed that I want to pretend I’m not a mom on Mother’s Day and shared my love affair with Mox shoes.
Erika walked us through the Hanna Andersson must-haves for the summer.
Larra makes her debut shedding light on what goes down in the 5th grade sex and puberty lesson and why it’s better to start the conversation early.
We share three super easy Mother’s Day gifts for the kids to make.
And up in SF . . .
Another chance at winning a pair of Mox shoes; deciding which suburb is right for you; how to fly with twin infants; the value in sharing our collective mothering wisdom; tickets for PJ Masks Live; how to make a homemade memory game.
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Have a great weekend!
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