Friday Faves & Finds (2.23.18)


week in reviewI’m in a nostalgic mood this week, so I’m sharing links to things that have stuck with me long after I first saw them. Tell me your favorites, too!


Tired of asking your kids, “How was your day?” Try these questions instead.

Glamour shared these  “Top 10 TED Talks Every Woman Should See” in 2014, and they’re all still worth a look.

This 2009 video of a fun wedding procession inexplicably makes me cry even though it’s the most joyful thing I’ve ever seen.

While away with friends this weekend we got into a debate about whether the moon landings in the 1960s/70s were real (don’t ask me why), so I brushed up on the topic.

I drank this exact recipe for a Bramble cocktail when my husband and I were in Amsterdam pre-kids. Making it at home always brings us back. Using genever is a must! It’s worth the extra trip to BevMo.

And in recent news, I still can’t believe how this average skier from Oakland managed to make it to the Olympics.

On a serious note. . .

I still can’t stop thinking about the school shooting in Parkland, Florida and the ensuing gun debate. I’ll be watching the March for Our Lives rallies planned for San Francisco and San Jose closely, but whenever a polarizing debate like this pops up, I think back to this article on how living in rural areas vs. urban areas influences perspectives. It helps ground me.

In case you missed it. . . 

Meredith shared practical tips for talking to kids about school shootings and other tragedies, and we really hope we never have to share this post again. 

Lorrie takes us inside the split personality of moms. You know what we mean – when you have so much to do, but you keep scrolling Instagram for one (or ten) more minutes anyway.

Robin gets real and real funny sharing the kid milestones we’ll celebrate.

Andrea lets us in on the vigilance and guilt that goes into managing her daughter’s dairy allergy

Meredith fills us in on the Dinsey on Ice show that’s in town and talking about how to cultivate and activist mindset in your kids. 

And then there’s all the good stuff our SF writers are sharing:

Inger managed to fit in a Sex in the City reference while letting off steam to the man in the red pickup truck; Annabelle processed the school shooting in a letter to her son; Jenn discovered her son’s rash wasn’t eczema (and the cause is making a comeback across the U.S.); Sarah figured out a family-friendly way to celebrate National Margarita Day; I lay out practical (and really easy) ways you can make a difference online and in real life.


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Have a great weekend (and here’s that wedding video again)! 

[xyz-ihs snippet=”wedding-video”]


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