As Father's Day approaches, we're reminded of the invaluable role that dads play in our lives — especially those who are raising boys to be good men. Beyond traditional gifts and cards, there's an opportunity to celebrate this special day in...
We set limits on our kids’ video game time, so shouldn’t we do the same for ourselves? My spouse, in particular, cannot get enough game time. I get that everyone needs an outlet, and I let him unwind just...
It's the season of L-O-V-E! After all that we've been through, we deserve to celebrate all the occasions, including Valentine's! For us parents, we don't need to be bound by celebrating just romantic relations for Valentine's Day, we can...
So it’s that time of year when women indulge in heart-shaped candy while awaiting their highly anticipated romantic gift that their significant other has poured countless hours of thought into. Unless you’re like me and have been married for...
No one’s ever ready for what parent life brings no matter how much we prepare. Bringing humans into this world is serious business, but along that serious journey, we can also expect for some humor. In honor of Father’s...
Over the holidays, my husband and I went on a number of date days. We started date days when we realized that date nights were too exhausting. Not because we were drinking too much but because staying out past...
About a month ago, my husband discovered that a dear college friend of his was in the hospital. He quickly reached out, only to discover that his friend had stage 4 pancreatic cancer —a death sentence for most these...
A friend of mine once gave me the advice to go on vacation alone with my husband after my son turned one. She told me it would be fun, good for my marriage, and would reunite us in the...
A few months ago, I questioned why we don’t talk about orgasms. Having an orgasm is a physical pleasure we shouldn’t deny ourselves nor should we censure discussion on. Discussion is healthy for figuring out how to get what...
My husband never ceases to amaze me, but the things I love most about him have definitely changed over the years since having kids. What better time than Valentine’s Day to reflect on how our love continues to evolve....