About a month ago, my husband discovered that a dear college friend of his was in the hospital. He quickly reached out, only to discover that his friend had stage 4 pancreatic cancer —a death sentence for most these...
As the old saying goes, "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage." But sometimes the baby comes before the wedding, and when that happens, wedding dress shopping becomes extra challenging. Moms don't have...
It had been a minute since my husband and I had a “real” date night—you know, the kind where you scramble to find a sitter, get dressed up, and eat fancy food. He’d been traveling a bunch for work...
On Valentine's Day, many of us are looking forward to a romantic dinner out with our partner, roses, chocolates, and shared conversations about how much we appreciate one another. We look forward to capturing the perfect, Instagrammable photo so...
When you’re pregnant, everyone says life will change. I remember people telling me that and thinking, “Duh... I know. We’ve waited and worked hard to get pregnant. We’re ready!” But no matter how ready you think you are, no...
My sister-in-law once walked into the bathroom with groggy, glasses-free eyes, said good morning to my brother who was brushing his teeth, and sat down to use the toilet. My brother quickly said, "You know, I'm not your husband." You...
Do you and your partner ever go on day dates? Getting dressed up for dinner and drinks is always an exciting and welcome change from my casual, toddler-filled day-to-day, but there is something sweet and unique about a day...
Most women I know feel that the split of managing household tasks is. . . unbalanced between their partners and themselves. A recent article in The Washington Post backs up that feeling with these statistics: “Employed women partnered with...
My husband never ceases to amaze me, but the things I love most about him have definitely changed over the years since having kids. What better time than Valentine’s Day to reflect on how our love continues to evolve....
Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. I love seeing men on the street holding bouquets of flowers. I think all food looks cuter heart-shaped! A lot about Valentine’s Day has changed for me through the years. It’s...

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How to Host a Passover Seder with Kids

Hosting dinner parties with little ones can be a lot. From prepping the meal, getting yourself dressed, getting your kid dressed, welcoming guests, and...

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