After doing some very informal research on Valentine’s Day, I noticed that the word “martyr” kept popping up. According to Wikipedia, the original Valentines were the Valentine of Rome and the Valentine of Terni, who were honored for their...
SWM (semi-wonderful mom) seeks similar for play-dates, vent sessions, and wine nights out. Matches should love to talk about anything but politics. Seriously. Anything. I love chatting about my LO and all things Mommy as well as our pre-Mommy...
If you’re a caregiver, no one needs to tell you how demanding it can be. Caregiving takes a toll on your emotional and physical well-being. While caring for a loved one with chronic illness can feel rewarding, for many...
On Valentine's Day, many of us are looking forward to a romantic dinner out with our partner, roses, chocolates, and shared conversations about how much we appreciate one another. We look forward to capturing the perfect, Instagrammable photo so...
In romantic relationships, the dreaded words are: We need to talk. When it comes to family members, it’s even briefer: Please call me. That’s the text message I received from my mom late on a recent Friday night, and my...
Over the holidays, my husband and I went on a number of date days. We started date days when we realized that date nights were too exhausting. Not because we were drinking too much but because staying out past...
My split from the father of my children did not start off as a peaceful separation. Over the years, as we worked through many challenges, we came up with simple rules to abide by. The rules are meant to...
It's the season of L-O-V-E! After all that we've been through, we deserve to celebrate all the occasions, including Valentine's! For us parents, we don't need to be bound by celebrating just romantic relations for Valentine's Day, we can...
The daily grind of family life and work take precedence over all else. Once in while, I’ll run into a familiar face at the grocery store or Target, and we promise to make plans, but they never seem to...
When you’re a parent to kids under five, everything seems to revolve around them (I wonder if/when this changes…).  Are they sleeping and eating?  Are they socialized, healthy, and happy?  Milestones… What about the milestones?!?  These questions shape those...

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How to Host a Passover Seder with Kids

Hosting dinner parties with little ones can be a lot. From prepping the meal, getting yourself dressed, getting your kid dressed, welcoming guests, and...

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