Recently, my mom begged me to do a baby announcement for the birth of my second son, and I declined, using the reasoning that baby announcements are basically low-key asks for gifts. Okay, hear me out. I’m not saying...
Trigger warning: miscarriage and stillbirth. I am blessed to be 20 weeks pregnant with my third pregnancy. But as I sit here and type this, I simultaneously feel kicks and feel very disconnected. My first pregnancy was lost a few days...
Dear C-Section Scar, I’ll admit when I found out at 36 weeks pregnant I was going to need you that I left the doctor's office in tears and sat crying in my car. How bad would you hurt? What was...
I just handed my baby off to a stranger. Well, it was somewhat of a stranger. She was the daycare worker at my son’s new daycare. We've met twice before, but I still call that a stranger. Today is day...
I was convinced this time would be different. I was sure I was having a girl. The Chinese Gender Prediction test, the ring test, and every other gender test I found on the internet said it would be a...
Nothing could have prepared me for the pain of natural childbirth. I read Ina May Gaskin’s books, I went to prenatal yoga, and I practiced breathing techniques with my husband. I felt ready. Even, dare I say, excited. Once...
After I told my husband that I was pregnant with our second (surprise) baby, my mind immediately went to telling the kids. We'd crossed this bridge before, telling my then eight year old step-daughter that I was pregnant with...
When you’re pregnant for the first time, it’s almost like you’re a newborn, yourself.  Your body is changing day-to-day; you have aches and pains and excretions from places that you never knew existed; you lose control of your emotions,...
We had only been trying for about three months the first time I got pregnant. A few days before I took my first test, I had a full blown emotional breakdown because I thought I was “broken." I was in my...
I was recently going through some old files and came across a notepad that had a very intricate schedule and timetable of when my daughter would sleep when she was about three months old. It brought back both funny...

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6 Poses for Mother’s Day Yoga with the Kids

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