Husbands and leftovers never go together, at least in my case. Yet, here I am, always trying to figure out what to do with the extra servings of turkey. Finally, inspiration hit! I came up with this: The Turkey Plate. It’s...
Holidays with children are always fun!  Being a preschool teacher, I get to do lots of projects for all the different holidays throughout the year, but Fourth of July is one of my favorites.  I love the colors red,...
Every mom and dentist appreciates when children receive a Halloween treat other than candy, but you know who else love it? Food allergy kids! If you plan to offer food allergy friendly treats this Halloween, thanks for sharing the...

Halloween Craft Ideas

Looking for a fun Halloween craft to do with young toddlers? Or how about something to send Grandma to say Happy Halloween?  We've got 2 ideas here that make an adorable keepsake! We just made these MONSTER cards to send...
Editor's Note: Check our 2020 Fall Guide for a consolidation of the very best in Fall- and Halloween-related content, recipes, activities, arts & crafts, and many more!  Want to hear something scary? Halloween is this month. I sit here in...
Looking for gift ideas for stocking stuffers? On a tight budget with a long holiday shopping list? On the road this holiday season and need gifts for much-needed distraction? In need reward items for milestone achievements (e.g....
Earn $$$ for your school with class gifts organized with GroupTogether! Register your school today, and earn $10 for your school, PTA or PTO for EVERY gift organized. GroupTogether is the #1 tool to plan teacher and coach gifts....
So it’s that time of year when women indulge in heart-shaped candy while awaiting their highly anticipated romantic gift that their significant other has poured countless hours of thought into. Unless you’re like me and have been married for...
Reindeer and Christmas Tree Ornaments Supplies: Wooden Popsicle sticks Different colored pom pom balls Glue Googly eyes Ribbon Brown & yellow construction paper Brown & green markers or paint Directions: Paint or color the Popsicle sticks either green for a...
Why is it that “the most wonderful time of the year” usually feels more like “the most stressful time of the year” for many moms?  If you’re like me, December means not only Christmas carols and ice skating, but...

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How to Host a Passover Seder with Kids

Hosting dinner parties with little ones can be a lot. From prepping the meal, getting yourself dressed, getting your kid dressed, welcoming guests, and...

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