Holidays definitely sneak up on all of us, but Mother’s Day is definitely not one of those that you want to miss!  We moms have a hard job. Between making sure laundry is done, dinner is made, schedules are...
Hey you, yes you: the bleary-eyed, caffeinated mom over there, with a fussy baby and a toddler screaming like a bear. And you: the mother cloaked in angst, from your angry teen, Whose eye rolls make you constantly plead, “Why are...
Easter is right around the corner, and I've been trying to find cookies the kids can help make that taste good and look cute too! This is the perfect combination. It's my favorite sugar cookie recipe that does not...
I am all about the chocolate bunnies and sugary Peeps (my favorite) on Easter, but I don’t want to put all that stuff in my son’s Easter basket.  Maybe I will have one special treat, but I wanted to...
St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year.  It seems like everyone enjoys dressing up in green and celebrating.  Here are the events we have in our city to embrace the Luck of the Irish!...
A friend of mine does an amazing job each St. Patrick’s Day staging a secret Leprechaun visit the night before.  Her creativity brings her kids so much joy on St. Patrick’s Day morning, and I asked if I could...
So it’s that time of year when women indulge in heart-shaped candy while awaiting their highly anticipated romantic gift that their significant other has poured countless hours of thought into. Unless you’re like me and have been married for...
With Valentine's Day on Sunday, I wanted to make something fun with the kids. My two toddlers were able to help add ingredients, roll the dough, and use the cookie cutters. They also loved decorating! I appreciated the fact...
As Chinese New Year approaches, it reminds me of when my grandma use to give us tangerines to put above our beds for good luck, and the all-time childhood favorite: red envelopes. We also had a platter of sweets...

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How to Host a Passover Seder with Kids

Hosting dinner parties with little ones can be a lot. From prepping the meal, getting yourself dressed, getting your kid dressed, welcoming guests, and...

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